In the map below you will find all the restaurants and pizzerias in the province that we recommend

Our 10 favorites that we recommend:

  • MJGRA to Punta Braccetto (200 meters away)
  • FUMIA fish restaurant in Santa Croce Camerina (7 km)
  • PAPPAPPERO Sicilian restaurant in Punta Secca (5 km away)
  • SAKALLEO fish restaurant in Scoglitti (15 km)
  • ROSACAMBRA typical Ragusa cuisine in Santa Croce Camerina (7 km)
  • THAT’S A MORO restaurant in Ragusa Ibla (35 km away)
  • IL GATTOPARDO pizzeria restaurant in Donnafugata (15 km away)
  • L’ABBUFFATA pizza restaurant in Marina di Ragusa (11 km)
  • MEZZAPAROLA fish restaurant in Donnalucata (20 km away)
  • TRATTORIA L’ARCO typical Modican cuisine in Modica (42 km)